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Instructions for preparation:

Brew for 3-5 minutes at water temperature of 90°С

Anti-Radiation Tea

SKU: FT0001
  • Fight against anti-radiation and also protect your eyes. Working in the 21st century means that the urbanites are often occupied with work and tend to overlook the importance of health care. It is evident eslpecially amongst the young working adults who spend most of their time sitting in front of a computer. It is detrimental to our health – short-term exposure may not lead to any pronounced symptoms, but long-term exposure to radiation will require us to take preventive health measures. For those who are frequently exposed to computer radiation, experts have recommended the drinking of flowering teas. Radiation is ultimately the worst enemy at workplace, as it leads to many types of cancers.

  • Roses, roselle, gynostemma, green tea


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